Trebuchet Data Collection Template

If you go to the Lake Orion Pumpkin Launch and want to help collect information here are some questions you can ask.

Trebuchet data collection sheet


Please ask permission to interview the people who designed and made the trebuchet.
Name of their Team/Machine:   ________________________

Ask if you can take a picture or two.

·       Record the image numbers and who's camera was used:  ______________________________________
·       Could you have their contact information if you have any follow up questions?
Name: _____________________________________  Phone:  ________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________________________________________

·       Did they use a computer model to design their trebuchet?  ____________________________________
·       Which one?  ________________________________________________________________________
·       Did the model accurately predict the range of the machine? ___________________________________
·       Was the model easy to use and would they recommend it? ____________________________________
·       How do you decide on the length of the arm and lever? _______________________________________
·       How do you decide how long the sling rope should be?  ______________________________________
·       How should the sling be shaped/made so that the pumpkin release is reproducible? _________________
·       How do you make the release pin and how is it adjusted? _____________________________________
·       How do you load, cock and fire you trebuchet? _____________________________________________
·       Do you have safety procedure?  Will you share a copy? _____________
·       Any general design advice for a group just starting out? ______________________________________

·       How big does the counterweight have to be to fire a pumpkin? _________________________________
·       Why wouldn't you just make a bigger weight to increase the range? _____________________________
·       If the pumpkin flies higher does it go further? ______________________________________________
·       How do you keep it firing straight?  ______________________________________________________
·       Can you "tune" the firing distance? _______________________________________________________
·       How do you do that? __________________________________________________________________
·       Why do some trebuchets have wheels? ____________________________________________________
·       What determines accuracy? _____________________________________________________________
·       We are thinking about making 1/4 or 1/2 scale models to practice with before we build full scale versions. Do you see any problems with that?  _____________________________________________________
·       How to ensure consistent placement of sling on guide track and shaping of guide track to facilitate that consistency.  ________________________________________________________________________

  • What materials are used in construction of division entries _____________________________________
o       Dimension of lumber _______________________________________________________________
o       joining materials & sizes of fasteners (e.g. 1" threaded rod as opposed to smaller sizes that fail under repeated loading…) ____________________________________________________________
  • Different materials used for weights?  What unit weights to create to adjust power? _________________
  • Sling materials?  Different mechanisms or modalities to employ in securing one side of the sling?  _____________________________________________________________________________________
  • Different materials used for weights?  What unit weights to create to adjust power? ___________________
  • Trebuchet secured in place how during firing?  Adjustment from front or back for aiming? ____________

Could we contact you with specific questions in the future? ______________

Your name_______________

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